Saturday, March 9, 2013

Long time no post!

Well we've been enjoying the last month, here's our update, backwards.
We got 10 inches of snow yesterday, it was fun to play in, but too deep for Jeremiah.
We went to the Discovery Museum on Wednesday, what a blast.  Jeremiah LOVES the water room (yah he was soaked,) and we love the room filled with balls and ramps, we climb up the ladder and start the balls from the top and they go all around the room to the bottom.  Super Fun!
Grampie came to visit on Monday!  We had a super day, and we went to Friendlies for Ice Cream!! YUM!
Grandma & Grandpa came to visit last weekend.  We got to help Spackle in the basement, we LOVE to work in the basement, and we LOVE to play/wrestle with Grandpa and keep his hat and vest.  We dress up in it and call each other Grandpa.
We had our friend Will's birthday party at McDonald's a couple weekends before, see our tattoo photos' yah we got them there.

Well have a wonderful weekend everyone,
The 3 guys

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