Friday, March 29, 2013

Fun Week!

We've had a fun week, but no photos to show it, mom has misplaced her we'll be photo free until she finds it. :)
We decorated Eggs on Tuesday, 12 went into the pot, one burst boiling, 2 rolled off the table before dying and 1 was destroyed by Jeremiah in the dye...all in all a good showing.  But pink and blue were the only colors where the dye 'took' so we have a basket of pink slightly blue eggs on our table. :)

We started swim lessons yesterday, we had SOOOOO much fun we were arguing who had the most fun.  No one won. :)  Jeremiah has his mom & me time first and then the big guys have their lessons, we get to swim with 2 friends from church, and a fun surprise on girl from Adley's Co-Op preschool was there with her brother.

Well Good Friday everyone,

The 3 guys

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Swimming lessons sound like fun. It means summer weather is on the way!!

Happy Easter