Friday, March 29, 2013

Fun Week!

We've had a fun week, but no photos to show it, mom has misplaced her we'll be photo free until she finds it. :)
We decorated Eggs on Tuesday, 12 went into the pot, one burst boiling, 2 rolled off the table before dying and 1 was destroyed by Jeremiah in the dye...all in all a good showing.  But pink and blue were the only colors where the dye 'took' so we have a basket of pink slightly blue eggs on our table. :)

We started swim lessons yesterday, we had SOOOOO much fun we were arguing who had the most fun.  No one won. :)  Jeremiah has his mom & me time first and then the big guys have their lessons, we get to swim with 2 friends from church, and a fun surprise on girl from Adley's Co-Op preschool was there with her brother.

Well Good Friday everyone,

The 3 guys

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We missed a spot!

We boys were looking at lots of our albums today...and we realized we forgot to put our pictures up of our trip to the Butterfly place, (actually, some of ours, second trip.)

Just if you wanted to see some old/new photos they were back in September.

The 3 guys

We're ready for spring and ultimately summer, so we're dreaming of warm butterfly things. :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Homeschool Fun!

Hello Everyone,

We had a fun day of homeschool today, so we posted a few pictures in a new album.  We did some salt painting...I know sounds weird, but it's fun.  We studied animal camouflage, and were going to play hide and seek animal style, then Adley disappeared....I couldn't find him anywhere...against our white walls.
Then we made a building many stories tall.....enjoy!

The 3 guys!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Long time no post!

Well we've been enjoying the last month, here's our update, backwards.
We got 10 inches of snow yesterday, it was fun to play in, but too deep for Jeremiah.
We went to the Discovery Museum on Wednesday, what a blast.  Jeremiah LOVES the water room (yah he was soaked,) and we love the room filled with balls and ramps, we climb up the ladder and start the balls from the top and they go all around the room to the bottom.  Super Fun!
Grampie came to visit on Monday!  We had a super day, and we went to Friendlies for Ice Cream!! YUM!
Grandma & Grandpa came to visit last weekend.  We got to help Spackle in the basement, we LOVE to work in the basement, and we LOVE to play/wrestle with Grandpa and keep his hat and vest.  We dress up in it and call each other Grandpa.
We had our friend Will's birthday party at McDonald's a couple weekends before, see our tattoo photos' yah we got them there.

Well have a wonderful weekend everyone,
The 3 guys