Thursday, October 18, 2012

18m Check-Up!

So I had my 18m check-up today, I'm 35 inches tall (97th percentile), and weigh 30lbs and 14oz (93rd percentile.)  Two shots in my arm today, and I hardly cried, I'm a tough buddy.  My doctor says I'm the size of a 2 1/2 year old.  Must be why mom has already had to pack up some of my smaller 2T & 24m clothes.  Yah I've got a few 3T shirts in my closet. :)

I'm taller than Nathanael at 18m by only 1/2 inch, and taller than Adley by 1 inch.  I'm heavier than Adley was at 18m by 3lbs, and heavier than Nathanael by 3 1/2 lbs. (I just barely beat my brothers 2 year weights.)...

Wow I'm a tank. :)

Time to get big, I want to play with those brothers.


1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ha Ha! I love the stats. Hmmm, maybe you should be a tank for Halloween?? Or something cuter...