Friday, October 12, 2012

Last Weekend!

We had a blast at Memere's and Papa Kings.  We had a sleep over while mom and dad went over night and hiked a mountain   We thought we'd put their pictures up on our blog.  I know we're so nice.  We helped Memere and Papa King bring in wood with the tractor...super fun.  And we helped bring in the last of the garden goodies.   We LOVE going up north.
We are supposed to have a low of 20 degrees tonight....brr.  We're all wearing footie jams in this house tonight.

Happy Weekend!!

Love the guys

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Wow! Great pictures. I love the hiking sign warning the inexperienced hikers away. I'm also excited to see what you boys have come up with for Halloween costumes this year! Hopefully no blind pirates since that might make for a difficult walk through the streets during Trick or Treating! Love you!