Saturday, December 17, 2011

Teeth & Trains!

Jeremiah has 4 teeth out and one super close, so he's ready for some steak. :)

We got to see the cool train set up at our local liquor store. Adley enjoyed saying "lick her" as we went there...thankfully no one got licked in the process. :) It's a 30ft by 8ft set up where the kids stand on the cases of beer to see the 3 tracks set up, and the whole town all set up for Christmas for the trains to go through and around. There is a button for each track to press, the kids loved to make them all go. There were lots of kids watching. very fun!

Again it was on mom's list to bring the camera, but these days shes lucky enough to bring what we NEED. :)

The guys!

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