Sunday, December 4, 2011

I'm 8 months!

And we got our tree today, and I'm going to learn to crawl because I'm trying hard to figure it out and this tree is BIG and Beautiful and I want to get it!!! First 10 minutes the tree was up I found a way to scoot underneath it, but the branches were getting me, so I let mom know I didn't like it and she saved me. But I'll be trying again and again.

The brothers have a little tree set up in their room as well, and we've got our stockings hung by the mantle. Adley took them all down on Friday and ran past mom who was changing my diaper. She asked him what he was doing, he said "I took them". She asked "Why did you do that?" He answered "I'm the Grinch!". Yah, Mom liked that one, I think you will too.

I can't wait for some cookie making...when's that going to happen?
Oh well good things come to those who wait!


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