Saturday, March 20, 2010

We LOVE this beautiful weather!

We've been spending LONG hours outside with these 60+ days. Today is going to be high of 73 and we're gearing up to spend it outside.

Here's a fun outside video for you to enjoy!!

We both LOVE climing trees, and Nathanael is as silly as alwasy!

Love you guys!!

Adley & Nathanael

1 comment:

Taunte Didea said...

It looks like tree climbing is a genetic trait! I'm glad you've had such nice weather. This morning Seth and I went for a walk by the lake to see the freshly fallen snow (yup snow) and brave the cold winds coming off the lake. We're trying to get ready for jetski season but Oklahoma is just not cooperating so far. I hope you boys are able to get a lot more outdoor time!

Love and Miss you.