Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloweeen!!

Check out our festive video, and new blog photos and check out our Fall album for some new Halloween pics.

Today we are going to the mall to go trick or treating, then to a friends condo complex to get some more candy.

Fun Fun!!

Trick or Treat!!

Adley & Nathanael

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My 6 month Check-up

Was today in fact, mom must have written it down wrong, as we got all bundled up yesterday and went to the office, but our appointment was today.

So today I'm 19lbs 4oz in the 80th percentile and 28 inches long in the 90th percentile. So this means time to put my big boy seat in the car. Mom says that's ok, because I'm getting too heavy to be lugged in the carrier.

So Adley at 6 months was 20lbs 7oz and 27 inches long, so he was shorter and fatter. :)

Love you all


Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm 6 months today!

Wow, I'm getting so big and doing all kinds of big things. Today I'm 6 months old.

I'm sitting up these days, and putting EVERYTHING in my mouth, when my feet are bare those are great things to put in my mouth. I laugh a lot, especially when Adley laughs then I laugh back. We have so much fun together.
I just started vegetables yesterday, squash was the 1st one I tried. Yesterday when mom gave me a bite I would shiver like I just took a horrible liquor shot (well I guess I don't know what that's like) but today I wolfed it down. I've been eating rice cereal hungrily since I was 5 1/2 months. Mom was using one spoon before and I need to grab the spoon everytime or I won't open my mouth, then I won't let go of the spoon, and become impatent for more food, sometimes I suck on the table top of my high chair because I can't wait. Mom wised up and now uses 2 spoons, once I eat my bite, I see a new bite coming in on a new spoon so I ditch the empty spoon and grab for the new one. I kind of need to have things fast and on my time.

I have my shots on Tuesday, wish me luck!
Then you'll find out how big I am.
I'm fitting wonderfully into 12 month clothes....I'm big!



Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall is in the air!

Check out our new fall photos.

As you can see, we went apple picking, carved some pumpkins that Memere and Papa King grew for us, and played in the leaves next door....but I will say the nursing home next door does way too good a job clearing their leaves, we found one tree with leaves close to the front door in front of a coridor. There were lots of residents sitting there, I think they leave the leaves there just incase people come and play. Mom totally runs around the tree with me because we are both fast. Well I tell her she's fast and then she has to run right?? Of course Nathanael is in the front carrier when we do this, that makes him fast too.

So now we've got lots of apples, I hope mom makes some apple crisp...with lots of crisp. Oh and I like pumpkin seeds, dad has a sweet recipie with yummy cajin spices...yah I like it spicy too just like mom & dad.

Time to play with my brother!!


Thursday, October 9, 2008


Boy has it been a while since an update so we've got a lot to say. Check out the latest photo's and video.

The photos really say it all, we've been busy!!
We laugh together all the time, Adley is always so excited when his brother wakes up from naps. Nathanael has found his toes....more playing enjoyment.

We love you guys,

The boys