Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Meet My Brother Nathanael!!

I have a new little brother. He has soft hair I like to pet, and I put my face in his face and study him. I think he's ok so far.

Nathanael John born April 26th at 5:53pm he was 8lbs 5oz and 21 inches long.

So from now on I'll be posting info about the both of us, maybe I'll let Nathanael post some too when he gets old enough.

PHOTOS for all my non-facebook and CDCspace friends!!



Sara Davies Coe said...

Congratulations, Adley on being a big brother. I am excited to hear all about your little brother and your reactions to him in the days to come. Rachael is a great big sister to Jeffrey, but there is a much bigger age gap!

Anonymous said...

What a "proud" looking BIG Brother,
what fun you'll have together.
Love you
Memere & Papa King