Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My 15month Check-up!

So for my check-up today I got 3 shots....yikes...I would have got one more but they ran out of Chicken Pox vaccine. So I guess they don't let kids get that one anymore.

I am 26lbs 7oz and 32 1/2 inches long and 47 cm head diameter. That puts me in the 75th for weight and 95th for height. I'm healthy and doing great!!



Taunte Didea said...

I think you might be turning into an alien baby with a head diameter like that. I'll have to check it out next week when I come stay with you again. If I remember I will bring the pictures I've taken of us from the last trip. See you soon!

Unknown said...

I agree

Taunte Hariya

Adley said...

Glad to see you guys are paying attention. It is indeed a head circumference measurement not diameter as written. I'm not really an alien baby.