Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend Fun!

Boy did I have a blast this weekend!

It started of Friday with one of my friends Makenzie's First birthday, complete with sweet birthday hats. (Check out mom's album for those.) Then off to Leah's pool because Friday was a scorcher. I love to eat apples...especially bobbing for apples in the pool (again, you'll have to check out the photos that go along with these comments.)
Then Saturday I got to meet my friend Colin from Indiana. It was great to meet him. We played in the pool. (I love pools can you tell??)
Then Sunday we went to Church, then went to my Uncle Dan's. I got to play with my cousin Jayden, Grammy & Grandpa. Then we went to Dad's Uncle Bill's for an extended family BBQ. There was a 140 lb rottweiler that got me so excited. I was almost hyperventilating and flapping my arms like crazy whenever he would walk by.
Sunday we went to the College friends BBQ. There were 2 little dogs there, Kona & Jett. I like them ok, but they are little and get in my face so I push them away. But from a distance I do like those two. I got to play with Colin some more.
It was an excitement filled weekend! Time to get back into my nap schedule. I'm taking a nice one this afternoon.

Friday, May 18, 2007

One More Tooth!

I have my second bottom tooth in, and lately I'm a serious drooler and a bit of a crankster. I bet I've got some top fronts coming in or something.

I swung on a swing for the first time this week. At first I was smiling big because mom was, but I did feel like I might cry. But after a few swings I was pretty pumped about the whole thing.

Today Mom and I went to visit Great Grampy at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical center today. He had lung surgery on Monday and was released home today. Everyone is excited to be done with the hospital. But it was great to see Great Aunt Elaine & Uncle Mark and Great Grammy! I made tons of people smile at the hospital today! Great Grampy had a pretty sweet Houston hat and a very fun 'toy' he blew into and yellow pieces in it moved. I was mesmerized whenever he would blow it!!

That's it for this week!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

9 month Dr. visit

Today was my 9 month 'well' visit. I'm 29 inches long and 24 lbs. 11oz. That keeps me at the 90th percentile for weight and the 75th for height. No shots today so I'm very excited about that. I'm as healthy as can be.

Today I'm going to Dad's work for lunch. That will be so fun.

And we've got a blow up pool that mom and I will be swimming in later today...mom just has to blow it up and fill it. So the pool will be open if anyone wants to come for a swim. It's a whopin' 60 diameter pool. So lots of room for everyone; well lots of my sized friends at least.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Ma Taunte Andrea

It was such a great time with Ma Taunte. Here's some of the fun stuff we did.

On Thursday the 3rd we did a little shopping, and went to my friend Jake's 1st Birthday party. I had watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberries for appetizers. Then we had pizza and a Curious George themed birthday cake. A good time was had by all.
We went up to see Memere and Papa King. I hung out with Papa King while the ladies went to the DMV for Ma Taunte to get her photo license. They were back in no time flat, so we took a stroll in the woods. It was quite windy but I was bundled in Memere's sweet mint green socks over my orange pants. I'm quite stylish.
We had Chinese food for dinner...my first time with that...but only had rice, broccoli and crab rangoons. I put on quite a show for dinner. Mom forgot my sippy cup, so I was drinking from a big cup....everyone laughed when I tipped the cup back really far so it spilled all over me. I kept doing it as hard as mom tried to hold me back. I was soaked..so into the tub I went. I was pooped after that so Ma Taunte read me the 'bear hunt' book. It's a sweet story. I woke up at 3am for an hour chatting session with Memere and Mom. Memere was trying to tell me that everyone was sleeping, even the skunks and cantaloupe, but I wanted to be sure there were no skunks for when Papa King woke up.
The next morning we played, had a nice breakfast...and I HAVE MY FIRST TOOTH!!! (5-4) We strolled around outside a bit. While waiting for lunch, I was pooking around the kitchen and happened upon Papa King's lunch pail. I was checking it out and what do you know, I discovered some sweet cookies. I enjoyed part of one...there were 5 in there but I don't know what happened to the rest. had some lunch and had to head back home, but not before taking a sweet group photo shoot outside on the pic-nic table.
Friday evening back at home the 4 of us hung out a while then I was sooooo pooped I had to go to bed.
Saturday morning Mom and Ma Taunte went to a Mary Kay event to get beautiful..well they already are. That afternoon we took a stroll in the State forest. We took out the jogging stroller because it has good shocks for not so even paths. I love the bumps. Back home for a nap and watching some baseball. Played with Ma Taunte...showed her all my cool toys. I love the new toys she brought up. They will be great for a sand pit. Memere and Papa king have got that hooked up so this summer I'm excited to play in it.
I had dinner and a bath, boy do I love to splash around in the big tub. I showed Ma Taunte all my fun bath things. After that Ma Taunte read me a couple books and I was beat. I went to bed.
About 4:30 AM I wished her safe travels from my crib for a few minutes then went back to bed. I knew I wouldn't be up at 5:30 AM when her alarm was going off.

What a great visit!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hello Friends

Guess what? My mom and dad got a camera that takes video longer than 6 seconds. We tested it out today me playing with my duck. Check it out. As you will see by the video...I've got Da Da down.

What I'm up to, I roll around like a champ and I pull myself up all over the place. I'm very mobile these days....I like to keep mom on her toes. What else does she have to do but update my blog?

I'm super excited Ma Taunte Andrea is coming to see me, she will arrive in Boston this evening. We're going to have so much fun. I can't wait to update you on all the going's on.

OK nap time!