Saturday, November 25, 2023

Thanksgiving FUN

 We had the Parson's over Wednesday evening for pizza dinner. Then off to the Senior Night football game. What a fun game for them to come and see. Thanksgiving Day was a BLAST. So much food - so much dessert!

And we were able to invite a few of the Harvard International Students through a Missionary we support at church.

We had a FULL House - but we love it that way.

20 of us were able to enjoy. (Maybe a pic is coming - our friends took the group photo and we're waiting on the text. 

Dave was excited to Grill a turkey - I think his one the side by side comparison. (yes we had 2 birds! and  a Pot roast.)

Grilled Turkey (nice and brown)

Oven Turkey

All the desserts 8 of them!  (Just subtract one plate of pizza from the previous night and one pan that's a cheesey zucnini side.)
We tend to liek to have a pie per adult at our Thanskgiving feasts.
So much FUN!

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