Sunday, September 3, 2023

Labor Day Weekend!

 What a GREAT weekend in Voluntown CT - Cabin Camping!

Thursday after school we drove down.

After dinner we took a stroll down to the beach area.
Grandma joined us for dinner!
Friday we took a very adventursome bike ride in the area.  That Afternoon Grandma and Grampa came with Owen.  Aunt Christine gave grandma all kinds of unicorn inflaitables that the guys enjoyed!
Look at all that hot air!

Tripple unicorn Adley!
Unicorn at the dock!

There was a mat thing that was fun too!
That night we enjoyed smores at the campfire!
On Saturday - Dave checked out the trails after breakfast to take us on a nice ride.
What a great ride!
These trails were so nice!

We even got to stop at a beautiful swamp. Jeremiah has a flower behind his ear - which I got.
Then we all swam that afternoon again - the boys with their unicorns.
Then a quick hike up mount misery.
We enjoyed dinner - than smores by the campfire.
Sunday we just packed up to head home.
The weather was so nice, what a great weekend!

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