Saturday, April 29, 2023

Happy Birthday Nathanael!!

 Look who's 15!!!

Wednesday was a Good busy day!

He had a present from Memere in the morning!

School all day.

Their Tennis team played the number 1 seed team in their division at Nashoba!!

While we waited for the school bus to arrive the team had popciles and sang Happy Birthday to Nathanael.

He is the #2 player on the team (so he played their #2.) This kid could serve hard and fast...crazy good.  AT first Nathanael had a hard time returning the ball inbounds...however as he played this guy more - he was starting to return it. He did Good.  At one point he was 0-6 with this guy, but finished 3-10...he won 3 of the games...  (A lot of his team members lost that was a little cool too. :) )

Then home for a quick dinner (Just meatball subs in a crock pot.) And some birthday cards in the mail! 

Then off to youth group! And the teens sang to him!

Once home - we had ice cream cake with 15 candles...he wanted nothing less!!

And he opened our present then.

Wow - Happy Birthday Buddy.

He chose Sushi for his nice dinner meal, we got a platter for Friday Night! And he chose soda from Portugal..that the kids enjoyed. We're very multiculural over here.

Next up his Birthday party - where he wants to go to Canobie Lake Amsument park with a few friends for his Birthday Party!! Stay tuned for a nice Saturday for that adventure coming up!

Happy Birthday Nathanael!!

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