Thursday, December 28, 2023

VT Merry Christmas

A wonderful trip to Memere's and Papa King's for more Christmas!
We gifted some ridiculous big cards!

Everyone got to split wood!



We got to help fix some sap lines

And play some music!

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Merry Christmas

 The guys woke up around 7:45.  We read the Christmas Story from Luke, then the boys opened their presents from each other.  We enjoyed all the opening.

Then off to Uncle Dan's for Christmas fun.  The weather was 50 degrees, the kids enjoyed some outdoor afternoon time.  The trampoline was a big hit.  So much food, and so much fun.

Here is Grandma with all the grandbabies!

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas Eve

 What a beautiful Christmas Eve (morning) service.  Some families took pictures outside after church.

Merry Christmas!
And God bless us, every one!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

High School Report Cards are IN



First Merry Christmas

 What a Great Friday celebrating Christmas with Andrea&Seth, Memere & Papa King, and Nana &Grampie.

We made a ginger bread house.

And had some help!
Even more!

What a fun time together with food, presents and games!

And, there were matching sweaters!

What a sweet Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Cookie Elves

 The cookies have been baked and decorated!

Just in time for family Christmas tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

My Saturday Elves!

 Hard at work - wrapping the cousins gifts!

Feels even more like Christmas!

(Cookie making to happen very soon!)

Friday, December 15, 2023

Adley's Doctor Appointment

 This guy had a healthy checkup.

He's 6' 2" 1/4 (he grew 1/4 of an inch this year. :) ) in the 98% and 173lbs (he grew 10lbs this year) in the 75%.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Nathanael Basketball

 Let's go #20!!

The team has a dozen guys, there was lots of subbing, good game play!  Looking forward to this season.  The other team was amazing at passing and rebounds, but good game. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Adley basketball

 Let's go Cavaliers!! It was a tough loss, first game. 16-42!

Here's our guy on a warmup layup! 

Let's go #9!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Setting up the Ice Rink

 Here's hoping for a chilly winter!

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Christmas Tree

 Today we decorated!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Thanksgiving FUN

 We had the Parson's over Wednesday evening for pizza dinner. Then off to the Senior Night football game. What a fun game for them to come and see. Thanksgiving Day was a BLAST. So much food - so much dessert!

And we were able to invite a few of the Harvard International Students through a Missionary we support at church.

We had a FULL House - but we love it that way.

20 of us were able to enjoy. (Maybe a pic is coming - our friends took the group photo and we're waiting on the text. 

Dave was excited to Grill a turkey - I think his one the side by side comparison. (yes we had 2 birds! and  a Pot roast.)

Grilled Turkey (nice and brown)

Oven Turkey

All the desserts 8 of them!  (Just subtract one plate of pizza from the previous night and one pan that's a cheesey zucnini side.)
We tend to liek to have a pie per adult at our Thanskgiving feasts.
So much FUN!

Football Senior Night

 Oh What a game - they won in double OT 26-20.

Senior Night was such a wonderful celebration!!  The seniors were anouced and walked through the team across the field at half time.

Here we go down the fieild!
At the end!
Let's Go Vikings!
Adley's Poster

We got the Big One!!
Now where to hang it! :)

Go Football!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Nathanael's Football Season

 He enjoyed his year a bunch. He played - wide reciver, tight end and safty.

Here are some end of year team picks. (Kind of like where's Nathanael in the JV team photo. :) )

Let's Go Freshman Team!

Let's Go JV team!

Monday, November 20, 2023

Nathanael Doctor Appointment

 This guy is very healthy!

He is 6' 1" in the 95% - he grew 3 inches this year. He is half an inch taller than Adley at 15.

He is 159lbs in the 70% - he grew 5 lbs this year.  He is 1 lb heavier than Adley at 15.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Jeremiah Q1 - Report Card

 Wow - this guy did a GREAT job first quarter of his 7th grade year!

All A's!!

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Football Seniors!!

 Let's Go Vikings Football!

See what they made for all the seniors!

Let's Go #19 - Adley Philips

And all the seniors this year!

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!


Our pumkins invite the trick or treaters for snacks!

Our Spider man and Viking had a chilly but Good night!

Jeremiah Annual Physical

 This guy had a doctor appoinment on Halloween.  

He is 5' 5" - in the 93% and grew 2 inches this year. He is taller than Nathanael was by 2 inches, and taller than Adley was by 3 inches.

He's 119 lbs - in the 80% and grew 15lbs this year. Nathanael weighed 6lbs more than him at his 12 year checkup, and Adley weighed 23lbs less ....(wow!)

A good check up!

Pumpkin Time!! (Just in time! :) )


I got Dudes with Knives!!

They did thier own - so fun.
Dave took the photos of the pumpkins light up - so we'll see those soon.

These jumbo pumkins are ready for tonight!
Nathanael made the minecraft spooky face on the left, Jeremiah the gooblin face in the middle and Adley - Go Bills!!

Jeremiah and Nathanael will be trick or treating tonight!
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Franklin Pierce University Tour (Saturday)

 What a great little school in the 'woods' of Rindge New Hampshire. They have Division 2 sports - and Adley, as a potentail Communications Major, got to meet the students in the sky box at the Saturday home football game:

He went up and chatted with them a little before the game.

We were in the media room before the game until half time.  Their media group does a fantasic job.  The gal in charge of the cameras was talking to all 4 camera people on her head set coordinating what was 'streamed'. The three gentlemen in suit coats gave a fantastic, well informed comentary on the game.   What a cool experience!

Tours are Cool!


Saturday, September 30, 2023

Revolution Soccer

 Look who went to his first Revolution Soccer game at Gilletee Statium with Dad and a group from church!  Revs won 2-1!!

In the Premier Leauge - this guy likes Chelsea!!

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Wednesday Football Game

 We had a freshman team home game on Wednesday.  We lost, but our team loves those throwign plays.  We often threw interceptions, but it was fun to watch! Go Freshman!

Let's go #12
He's running special teams here, but he was WR on offence and got a lot of runs in.  One missed catch but he was heavily defended. 

Saturday, September 23, 2023


 Is a JV football Game - Go Vikings for the win!

Go #45!!

Also - is the first college Tour. Adley visited Merrimack College

Fun Saturday Things!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Nathanael's Canobie Lake Park Trip

 This trip finaly happened. The hurricane decided not to swamp us with rain!

These guys are having a nice overcast day!  There are people but not long lines!

Have fun Dudes!

That's Adley and his buddy in the first rooster! Jeremiah and his buddy in the 2nd roster - and Nathanael and his buddy in the 3rd rooster.

How many dudes can you fit in a dryer?
They still love those splashy rides on an overcast day!
Having so much FUN!

Friday, September 8, 2023

First Game of the Season!!

 Let's go football!

We've got a #19, as a senior Adley can pick his number.  He likes Deebo Samuel from the 49ers.

And Nathanael is gearing up varsity! Go #30.

Let's Go Vikings!

Friday Night under the lights - look at all those football dudes!
83 on the list!

I see #30
I see #19

Go Vikings!