Sunday, September 4, 2022

Labor Day Weekend Camping!

 WOW, did we have a Fantastic Weekend!!

We arrived Thursday evening with PIZZA! The Parsons and Grandma & Grandpa arrived then too!

We were really excited about the size of the camp spaces - the campground was really nice.  The boys did LOTS of biking! The weather was GREAT all weekend. (Due to drought we were not allowed any campfires...we thought that would be a real bummer, however the kids were so busy all day - we didn't really need a fire. it would have been nice, but didn't really put a damper on things!)

On Friday...
The Beach... in the morning. More biking and exploring.

Afternoon: more beach. There were 6 dudes on this tube at a time. Sometime Uncle Ben and Adley were spinning the dudes to make the dizzy. 

Saturday we biked, kayaked, swam.  And put on a great performance that evening! 

Until Auntie Bee realized that was her sheet the boys were using for the display. :)

Sunday - we ate breakfast and packed up!
One more Ride before we Roll!

Our Traditional Family Photo! One more dog in the family, the Parsons have Mazie!

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