Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saturday is a Football Day!

 Nathanael on the Ravens had the first game of the day at 9:00. He played GREAT. Some great catches, even a short catch with a long run for a touchdown!!  They lost, but it was a close game like 19 to 25 or so. 

See if you can spy Nathanael running for the catch!  The QB has released it! (MY pics are far away. :) )

Jeremiah, also on the Ravens, had a 10:30 game! He played good too! Their team won like 30 something to 6. 

Jeremiah is wearing Orange shorts -easier to spot. 

And - Nathanael also signed up for the High School Flag team - and is on the Rams at 1:30.  Another FUN game to see. Rams lost but only 20somethign to high teens.
Nathanael was the center - he's right in the middle of the 'team'.

Adley is playing an away Varsity game today - I will have to upload the stats!

Go Football!!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Labor Day Weekend Camping!

 WOW, did we have a Fantastic Weekend!!

We arrived Thursday evening with PIZZA! The Parsons and Grandma & Grandpa arrived then too!

We were really excited about the size of the camp spaces - the campground was really nice.  The boys did LOTS of biking! The weather was GREAT all weekend. (Due to drought we were not allowed any campfires...we thought that would be a real bummer, however the kids were so busy all day - we didn't really need a fire. it would have been nice, but didn't really put a damper on things!)

On Friday...
The Beach... in the morning. More biking and exploring.

Afternoon: more beach. There were 6 dudes on this tube at a time. Sometime Uncle Ben and Adley were spinning the dudes to make the dizzy. 

Saturday we biked, kayaked, swam.  And put on a great performance that evening! 

Until Auntie Bee realized that was her sheet the boys were using for the display. :)

Sunday - we ate breakfast and packed up!
One more Ride before we Roll!

Our Traditional Family Photo! One more dog in the family, the Parsons have Mazie!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Flag Football!!

 Nathanael and Jeremiah have started their flag football season!!

I've got two Ravens!! Jeremiah is #4 and Nathanael is #3. They are in different age leagues - but same team!  NEAT! Also their practice is the same night same time. I win!!

Back To School!!

 Wow, what a new chapter in these guys lives!!

On Monday Nathanael went to Freshman orientation!

On Tuesday Jeremiah had his first day of School!

This is me getting Adley on a day of school! He's hard to get.

Everyone has had a good start!
Have a good year Dudes!