Wednesday, April 20, 2022

April Vacation Part 1

 Wow, what a fun few days we've had so far!

Dave is in Zambia!

Monday evening the boys had their buddy Jeremiah over for video game time. (two Jeremiah's in the house.)

Tuesday Nathanael had his homeschool day - complete with a dress rehearsal for their mock trial. Nathanael will be wearing Dave's suit.  Super fancy.  The Trial is MONDAY.

In AWANA it is cake night.

Jeremiah made three good ones - Adley made one. 
The boys each got to pick a cake at the event!! We have CAKE to eat!

Wednesday: Jeremiah had a buddy over - Nolan.  We took a walk in the Lime Quarry with some buddies.  Adley walked the bridge of terror. (well it has been only terror to me....)
Jeremiah had a GREAT drum practice.
We went to eat dinner at a friends house in NH. I got a nice walk in their woods and the boys played basketball and football. 
Everyone is ready for a little rest after that wonderful day!
Memere is coming tomorrow. Dunkin Donuts at 10. Boy this April Vacation has been GREAT!

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