Sunday, March 6, 2022

First Weekend in March fun!

 Friday Jeremiah and I went to the See Science Center in Manchester while Nathanael had a homeschool gathering at a friends house.

They have a HUGE Lego model of the area - with the woolen mills workers in one section.

Jeremiah is powering lightbulbs by bicycle. 

It was cool to see the vibration of the guitar strings when the stripped wheel was spinning in the background.

Jeremiah lifted himself by pully

On Saturday we got a new pet!
A Green Anole lizard named Diamond.  We got him from a friend - Jeremiah has wanted a lizard since we watched a friends lizard two years ago.

What a beautiful day Sunday

The Big guys have their duct tape weapons and are on a mission!
These guys are going in the ICE COLD water in their sandals. 

So a great weekend was had by all!

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