Saturday, December 31, 2022

Very Merry VT Christmas!!

 We drove up to Memere & Papa Kings on Wednesday for lunch!

We opened presents then enjoyed a walk in the woods and cleared off some downed tree branches from the sugar lines from the last storm.  We enjoyed playing games and a movie that night.

On Thursday we went sledding, went up Papa King's Tree stand - that we were able to take down, and enjoyed more games.  So Fun!

Nathanael Going UP

Adley is UP

Jeremiah is UP!
Dad went up and helped Papa King remove the stand.
The snow wasn't too sticky - but we were able to make a little snowman.
The Big guys split wood!
Adley Chop!

Nathanael Chop!

The off to Grampie's & Nana's!
We enjoyed dinner and games on Thursday evening!
After Breakfast on Friday we made Shaquile!!  it was 40 degrees outside..the snow was WET!

We needed a ramp for the midsection!
We figure he's 7 1/2 feet tall. 
Then off to sledding!
Opps Grass!
What a nice spot!

Nice and warm that is!

Then we played afternoon games and headed home after an early dinner.
What a Very Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Sugar Cookies

 Tis the season!  Back in VT MaTaunte Andrea and I did such wonderful jobs on our cookies!! 

Roll Em OUT!

Frost em' UP!


It's cookie time this afternoon!

Monday, December 26, 2022

Cookies & Ice!!

 On Christmas Eve the boys were looking forward to some gingerbread men!

What a wonderful Christmas day!

The boys woke up at 7:00.  They opened the presents they gave each other.  We went to church.  Then we opened everything, and had such a wonderful relaxing enjoying day!

On Monday, we got our first skate!!

There still might be a batch of sugar cookies!! Stay tuned! 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

On the Eve's of Christmas Eve!!

Jeremiah had his first Concert Thursday!

Look at this cool percusionist!


On the Eve of Christmas Eve Team Tarp laid the ice rink!!! Ready for all this COLD weather coming our way!

It was raining pretty good!

They got the job done.
Then we were off to Grandma Christmas at Uncle Dans for dinner. What a FUN night!

On Christmas Eve: The rink is filled with water and its 10 degrees outside. There is a small layer of ice on top!
Go Rink!

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Saturday FUN!

 Go Vikings!!  It was a loss - 25-51 but the guys had fun!

There's Nathanael #22!

Go #22 - he's in front of the ball rack!  Getting ready to do some Defence!!

ALSO - The guys wrapped the gifts for our cousins!  A fun tradition that still stands!!
Way to wrap those gifts!

Go Snuggles!!

Lots of LOVE

Friday, December 16, 2022

GRADES - I can't help but share!

 These guys are doing so well!

Jeremiah finished his first quarter the begining of December. (I can't find the nice document of his report card - but here is a transcript anyway. :) )

Adley & Nathanael finished thier first trimester last Friday!

Go Nathanael!

Go Adley!

Keep up the FAB work boys!

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Doctor Appointment Today

 Adley James had his 16 year old visit today

He is 6'2",(In the 96%) and icreased 1 1/2 inches since last year.  He weights 163lb (In the 86%) an increase of 5 lbs.  

He needed a shot today - and the nurse said he had such strong arm muscles it was hard to stick. :)

Go Adley!

Monday, December 12, 2022

Weekend Fun!

 Wow, lots of fun stuff going on!!

The Boys put lights in their room!!!

Adley too - he just hasn't been photoed yet.

They had 2 basketball games Saturday.
Nathanaal had a Vikings Loss, but had fun.

Jeremiah, #34, had a Warriors loss but had fun. He scored 4 of the 6 points the team put in. :)

Ice Rink Boards are UP!

We have a lovely dusting of snow this morning!
Looks more like Christmas!

Saturday, November 26, 2022

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas!!

 We decorated our TREE today - and Nathanael figured we needed egg nog!

He did good!

Where to put the ornaments?

Lookin Good!

This little guy is still going strong!

Merry First Day of Christmas on November 26th. :)

Happy Thanksgiving

 What a wonderful time!

The Cousins & Grandma came over Wednesday evengin for a fun sleep over.

Thurssday Grandpa, Dan, Thelma, Harper and Little Noah came over.

We even had a couple Chinese students from Harvard come over - there was an opportunity to host people through one of our Boston Misinoaries.

Lots of Football was played - the weather was beautiful!
What a thankful weekend! 


Friday, October 28, 2022

Happy Halloween!

 We did our pumpkin carving Thursday evening!

Go Bills - Adley, Minecraft Style Spooky face - Nathanael, drum sticks - Jeremiah!

Friday, October 21, 2022

Dr. Appointments

 Today was Doctor Day!

Nathanael is weighing in at 155lbs (81st percentile) and grew 20 lbs.  He is 5' 10' (90th percentile) and grew 3 1/2 inches.  Nathanael and Adley were both 5' 10" at 14, Nathanael weighs 19 lbs more than Adley did.

Jeremiah is weighing in at 104 lbs (65th percentile) having gained 16 lbs this year.  He is 5' 3" (96th percentile) and grew 3 inches this year.  Adley was 4' 8" at 14 and Nathanel was 5' 1".  Adley was 86 lbs at 11 and Nathanael was 103 lbs.  (Jeremiah WINS every time!!  so far...)

Everyone is doing GREAT!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saturday is a Football Day!

 Nathanael on the Ravens had the first game of the day at 9:00. He played GREAT. Some great catches, even a short catch with a long run for a touchdown!!  They lost, but it was a close game like 19 to 25 or so. 

See if you can spy Nathanael running for the catch!  The QB has released it! (MY pics are far away. :) )

Jeremiah, also on the Ravens, had a 10:30 game! He played good too! Their team won like 30 something to 6. 

Jeremiah is wearing Orange shorts -easier to spot. 

And - Nathanael also signed up for the High School Flag team - and is on the Rams at 1:30.  Another FUN game to see. Rams lost but only 20somethign to high teens.
Nathanael was the center - he's right in the middle of the 'team'.

Adley is playing an away Varsity game today - I will have to upload the stats!

Go Football!!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Labor Day Weekend Camping!

 WOW, did we have a Fantastic Weekend!!

We arrived Thursday evening with PIZZA! The Parsons and Grandma & Grandpa arrived then too!

We were really excited about the size of the camp spaces - the campground was really nice.  The boys did LOTS of biking! The weather was GREAT all weekend. (Due to drought we were not allowed any campfires...we thought that would be a real bummer, however the kids were so busy all day - we didn't really need a fire. it would have been nice, but didn't really put a damper on things!)

On Friday...
The Beach... in the morning. More biking and exploring.

Afternoon: more beach. There were 6 dudes on this tube at a time. Sometime Uncle Ben and Adley were spinning the dudes to make the dizzy. 

Saturday we biked, kayaked, swam.  And put on a great performance that evening! 

Until Auntie Bee realized that was her sheet the boys were using for the display. :)

Sunday - we ate breakfast and packed up!
One more Ride before we Roll!

Our Traditional Family Photo! One more dog in the family, the Parsons have Mazie!

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Flag Football!!

 Nathanael and Jeremiah have started their flag football season!!

I've got two Ravens!! Jeremiah is #4 and Nathanael is #3. They are in different age leagues - but same team!  NEAT! Also their practice is the same night same time. I win!!