Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Duct Tape Boat Regatta!!

 Today was another duct tape boat regatta at the pool!  What an adventure as always!

We've got two teams at our table working hard on their boats.

Here is one creation!!
Nathanael's Creation was a little big for the one hour build time, but is on the blocks in lane 5.

And the race is ON!
Nathanael's boat crumpled when the rider entered the boat.

But that didn't stop the rider from swimming to the end.

And grabbing the other two members of the team to swim it back. (Jeremiah is one of the swimmers.)

You can see Adley's boat in the far lane, that sweet girl was light but could not for the life of her paddle that boat anywhere. 

They all had fun though. 

The Crazy Boaters

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