Monday, October 19, 2020

Doctor Appointments

 Yes - we have these two dudes appointments about 6 months after their birthday - it just helps them to have bigger scores than Adley. :)

Nathanael weights 125 lbs (90th %) an increase of 22lbs and 5' 3.5" (88th %) an increase of 3 inches. 

Nathanael is taller than Adley at 12 by 1 inch and heavier by 29lbs. (wow)

Jeremiah weights 79 lbs (81%) an increase of 13lbs and 4' 9.5" (93%) an increase of 3 inches.

Jeremiah is taller than Adley at 9 years old by 4 inches, and Nathanael by 3 inches.  Jeremiah weights more than Adley by 13lbs and by Nathanael by 9 lbs.

Another healthy appointment.

Adley is up next month.

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