Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Mr. Cross Country Runner!!

 So, Adley decided to go out for the Cross Country running team...not much to pick for in sports this fall (that or golf....he was not interested in golf at all. :) )

So for away meets the team only sends 7 boys and 7 girls....Adley was number 7 for the first meet Thursday Oct. 1st. He has his uniform and is ready for action.  The only way he would let me take a picture of him in his uniform is if I bought him a Blue Raspberry Coolada!  (Well I don't think I can manage that in the short time from now until tomorrow with CC tomorrow as well....I will better plan for next Thursday's away meet - if he runs fast enough to compete again.  The first home meet is Oct 15th - because of Covid each runner can only bring 2 people.  I will photo this new adventure.

Go Adley!  Go Nashoba Tech!  Go Vikings!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Apple Picking!

 What a gorgeous fall day for apple picking!!!  We field tripped with a few homeschool families!

We filled up the last wagon of the tractor!
Just some dudes in front of the rows and rows of apple trees!

Picking in the Honey Crisp Section!  A FAVORITE!

Jumping to get that GOOD ONE!

The Applepickers

Monday, September 14, 2020

Field Trips!

 We're studying US History this year - so we're doing some local field trips!

Sept 2nd we went to Sturbridge Village - a bit soggy, but fun!

We watched the blacksmith at work!

We rode the horse drawn carriage and the gal leading the horse gave us lots of great info!

Today we went to Salem MA!
The guys in front of the town gaol (jail in old english)

Snacks in the park

We did learn about the Salem Witch!

We went out on the Derby Warf - to a lighthouse built in 1870 - leading the ships home.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

LOTS of new fun this week!

 Our new kitchen table was delivered today!  Happy Supper!

We got a new walkway!
We're so pleased - they did a great job!

And a great school week as well!

Monday, September 7, 2020

Mr. High School

 His bedroom is set up for the 6 hours a day of virtual school every other week!

Tuesday is his freshman orientation at Nashoba Tech.  His bag is packed!  Wow!

Nathanael wanted to show of more of his finishing touches to his room.

Jeremiah is waiting for his curtain rod, which was lost with FedEx for a few days.  Once installed, stay tuned for some blue action!

Lots of love!

The buddies