Friday, July 26, 2019

Duct Tape Boat Regatta!

Our pool hosted a duct tape boat regatta - first time this year.
Monday was the build - Adley and Nathanael were on different teams!

Thursday was the boat phase.  One team member had to get the boat to one end of the pool.  The rest of your team could swim it back to the start.  No touching the bottom, no sinking the boat!
Nathanael's Team went in the second heat (There were 15 boats entered)!

Adley's Team was in the third heat!
Adley's buddy Timmy is on his belly kicking behind.

One of the boats disintegrated in the middle of the pool.  The next heat had to be postponed while teens and older kids dragged the bulk of the soggy cardboard out.  After all the races they spent a bit of time on vacuum and net sweeping before the kids could swim.  

This was fun - we've got great ideas for next year - if the pool will do it again!
The silly sailors

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