Sunday, September 2, 2018

Woah & Camping

Wednesday, was a really hot day - after school we went to the pool.
Poor Russell Mill was having some technical difficulty.   Something drained that Tuesday night.  We got to the pool, and there were 4 hoses trying to refill it.  Because it was so hot out, the manager didn't close the pool, but let the kids in - just no jumping in.  It was a blast.  It was probably 3 feet deep in the 4-5 foot section.  The kids were running races back and forth.  It was a supper fun afternoon.  The manager seemed a bit unsettled, but I think everyone else had fun.

Now, the FUN of camping.  We had some GREAT weather and GREAT fun.

The Parson brought a trailer with 5 kayaks.  We're off to the boat ramp.

Look at these 3 sweet guys.  We all took turns on the 3 kids and 2 adult ones.  Some of us would swim, and some would kayak and we had a blast.  When we weren't swimming or kayaking we were biking.  We were busy the WHOLE time. 

Grandma Time.  Baby Harper - the only girl cousin came for an afternoon.  We're just missing 2 boy cousins in this picture.  
We can finally check of tent camping at a campground this summer.

The Campers

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