Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fall Apple Picking!

Today was a beautiful fall day for apple picking!
We got to ride the hay wagon to pick!

Many apples were eaten while picking!

So fun, a family photo shoot!
Happy Fall!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

More Fun!

Saturday was the end of year celebration for our summer baseball.  We started with a home run competition.
Nathanael at bat!

Adley up to bat.
There were lots of people who enjoyed it.  Each person got to pick a song to play while they the big league.  Followed by a hot dog bbq.  Then followed by a baseball game.  It was a super fun afternoon.
Monday we went to Boston Lego again.  They had a home school fun day!

Us and our buddy Philippe!

Lego things!

We still love this big Lego giraffe!

The Buddies

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Wow, tooth fairy!!

Wow, this dude lost 3 teeth this week!!!
A bottom left of the center two while eating a peach on Friday, on Tuesday a top front tooth while chewing gum, and the other top front today while snacking some gummy bears.
Woah dude!!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Got Warfare?

We've got Duct Tape Warfare!!!  Adley and Nathanael are taking the class at our Co-Op, and these are the first swords of the season.  Today they taught Jeremiah all they know with the random pvc pipe we had here and an old pool noodle (plus duct tape of course.)
Let's see how much more warfare our house can hold!
Battle On Dudes!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday is My Football Day!

Mr #9 is ready for ACTION!

Go Falcons!!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Saturday is a Football Day!

What a great start to the Flag Football Season!
Nathanael, on the Stealers had his first game. 
They did not win, but look at this dude.
Adley on the Eagles played a great game - and won by a lot.

Check out Adley catch that ball!

Football Fun!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Woah & Camping

Wednesday, was a really hot day - after school we went to the pool.
Poor Russell Mill was having some technical difficulty.   Something drained that Tuesday night.  We got to the pool, and there were 4 hoses trying to refill it.  Because it was so hot out, the manager didn't close the pool, but let the kids in - just no jumping in.  It was a blast.  It was probably 3 feet deep in the 4-5 foot section.  The kids were running races back and forth.  It was a supper fun afternoon.  The manager seemed a bit unsettled, but I think everyone else had fun.

Now, the FUN of camping.  We had some GREAT weather and GREAT fun.

The Parson brought a trailer with 5 kayaks.  We're off to the boat ramp.

Look at these 3 sweet guys.  We all took turns on the 3 kids and 2 adult ones.  Some of us would swim, and some would kayak and we had a blast.  When we weren't swimming or kayaking we were biking.  We were busy the WHOLE time. 

Grandma Time.  Baby Harper - the only girl cousin came for an afternoon.  We're just missing 2 boy cousins in this picture.  
We can finally check of tent camping at a campground this summer.

The Campers