Thursday, July 6, 2017

Annual Doctors. Appointments!

Nathanael and Jeremiah had their appointments today.

Nathanael was 54 3/4 inches tall (76th %), and 70 lbs. (69th %) - he grew 2 inches and 9 lbs. this year.  He is 4 lbs. heavier and 3/4 inches taller than Adley was at 9.

Jeremiah was 48 inches tall (83rd %) and 52 lbs (78th %) - he grew 2 inches and 4 lbs.
He is 4 lbs. heavier than Nathanael at 6, and 5 lbs. heavier than Adley at 6.  He is 1 inch shorter than Nathanael and Adley at 6.

Wow, I figured Nathanael would be lighter than Adley all the time, and Jeremiah would beat all their scores continuously. :)

The growing boys!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love the annual stats! I am with you on the surprise changes in patterns. I guess these boys are not to be predicted!