Friday, July 14, 2017

Double Fun Day!

We took a fun trip to the zoo in Providence RI, and while in Prov., after lunch - why not check out the children's museum.
A photo on a camel.

Jeremiah's favorite goat from the petting zoo.

Jeremiah's favorite black alpaca.

How about an elephant photo.

A little splash time.

Some kind of camel pose.

Remember this one?  (Now we're at the Providence Children's Museum)

Ahoy Matties! 

We LOVED climbing this!

Water - vortex time!

Planning water fun waterfalls.
What a suprisingly lenghty fun day today.
Time to relax.
The adventurers. 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Chelmsford Flood Watch!

Nothing we've not seen before - but the most deep yet.
So deep we felt we needed boogie boards.

The Adventure Dudes

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Annual Doctors. Appointments!

Nathanael and Jeremiah had their appointments today.

Nathanael was 54 3/4 inches tall (76th %), and 70 lbs. (69th %) - he grew 2 inches and 9 lbs. this year.  He is 4 lbs. heavier and 3/4 inches taller than Adley was at 9.

Jeremiah was 48 inches tall (83rd %) and 52 lbs (78th %) - he grew 2 inches and 4 lbs.
He is 4 lbs. heavier than Nathanael at 6, and 5 lbs. heavier than Adley at 6.  He is 1 inch shorter than Nathanael and Adley at 6.

Wow, I figured Nathanael would be lighter than Adley all the time, and Jeremiah would beat all their scores continuously. :)

The growing boys!

FUN, 4th of July weekend!

The events started at Taunte Lou's party with bounce houses and buddies to play with.  It was rainy and cool, but we played so much and had so much fun it didn't matter.  The rain stopped in the early evening, and we kept playing.  It was a blast.  Then off to Memere's and Papa King's to sleep.  Sunday was fun in the pool and playing ball outside.  Then after lunch we were off to cousins house.  In NY we played at the house with the cousins, then we got to see the Island - where they are living for the summer, and got a tour.  So cool.  We had planned to go to the Island on Monday for more fun, but all us boys had a stomach bug that night, so Monday was recoup day.  We took easy walks, played games, and watched movies.  The 4th of July we hiked Severance - quite a tradition.

Then we had a BBQ in the cousins backyard.  We walked into town for the 4th of July parade.  There was TONS of candy.  None of us had bags, so we had to walk home with candy in our shirts like a pouch - we all had babies in our bellies.  Then we had a snack before going out on the boat to watch the fireworks.  What a good show.  Then back to bed.  Wednesday morning we went to the beach with the cousins, had a snacky lunch at their house then rode home.  So much fun!!!
The busy buddies