Thursday, June 29, 2017

Even More Fun Stuff!

On Friday the 23 we did a Lowell Canal boat tour.  (How fun we just had a field trip about the mills.)

In the Historical Park the boys drove the trolley. :)

Adley was a hard working Irish immigrant. 

Here is the water level change in the canal, about 5 feet.  It was amazing.  The boat tour was neat.
On Monday the 26th we went to a Spinners Game - we lost 9 to 4.  The weather was nice - the boys got to stay up until 10:00 - everyone was excited.  
If you stay until the end of the game kids get to run the bases.  We stayed for that.
Wednesday the 28th - Dad took the day off of work and we hiked Mount Monadnock.  This is a BIG one, 3000 footer 5 miles round trip.  The boys did great.

It was very BREEZY at the top where we had lunch.

And back down again.  

Happy Summer!
The busy guys

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Awesome hike! I love how the outfits change from bottom to top of the mountain.