Tuesday, January 3, 2017

More Merry Christmas!

On Thursday we drove up to VT early trying to beat the big snow storm.  With Papa King and some ashes we got our car up the driveway.  We had some lunch than enjoyed the snow.  We sled and got to use our new snow shoes. We got to open presents throughout the time. We played games - and watched our new movie.  We finished our day in the hot tub.  So Great!  Friday we played in the sweet 10 inches of snow we got.  We sled a bunch - even flew down the driveway.  Friday evening Memere and Papa King took us to the Chinese Buffet.  YUM - and we got to see the HUGE fishes again; we named them.  When we got home Ma Taunte Andrea and Seth were there.   We got to play with them before bed.  New Years Eve we got to open more presents.  Then we were off to Grampies.  We sled there too.  Down the step crazy fast woods trail. AWESOME.  Then we opened more presents that night.  We cheered our Midnight at 9:00 - Imagining we're somewhere in the Atlantic ocean.  New Years Day we went sledding some more.  We played some games, and Adley watched the Patriots.  We left at 3:00ish, Adley wanted to listen to the rest of the Patriots game in the car....we did.

What a wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The guys

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