Wednesday, November 2, 2016


So fun and so busy - and we forgot to take pictures.  WHAT!???

The Wednesday before Halloween we went to a play place for free because we dressed up in costumes.
On Saturday we carved our pumpkins
We carved Pokemons - Jeremiah's was Mudkip, Adley's was Gengar, and Nathanael's was Litwick

On Halloween we had an art class at a friends house and got all dressed up then too.
For trick or treating we went to the Hanscom Air Force Base where our friends live. We got POUNDS of candy - it was nuts and fun.  We got stuck in traffic on the way down - scarfed pizza and headed out to treat.  We missed the photo opp.  After treating we went to another friends on the base and had hot cocoa and watched some Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (what???  We usually watch the Halloween one, but our friends said Halloween was over. :) )

So we had a blast.

Jeremiah was a sailor, Nathanael was Bobo Fett (Star Wars), and Adley was a Jedi in black with a light saber.

This Saturday Dad took the boys to catapault their pumpkins into a field  A HUGE catapaulter.  Photos to come soon.

The Halloween buddies

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