Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Wow Summer!

Summer is flying by!  We are having a blast - and not taking time to jot down our going's on.
VBS week was AWESOME. It was spy week.  Adley was in the Interpol group, Nathanael was a Danger Detective, and Jeremiah was a Super Spy.  We performed Friday night so mom and dad could see our 'moves' to the songs.

Saturday Dad took Adley & Nathanael on a mountain bike ride with a group.  We LOVED it and are excited to bike in the woods some more.

We had a fabulous day at Wingarsheek - the ocean beach last Wed.  There were over 25 kids from church playing on the big rocks, swimming in the tide pools and having a blast.

Thursday started our VT adventure.  Boy did we have a blast that weekend.  We went swimming in the pond before dinner and after dinner.  We kayaked, we paddle boated, we swam a ton all over the pond with our life jackets on, we jumped off the dock, we fished, we biked over the very hilly dirt roads, we picked peas and berries.  We just did it all.  The weather was fabulous, the company was stupendous, and the sweet camp was perfect.  We came home Sunday afternoon and we miss it already.

The adventure boys

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