Friday, July 1, 2016

Doctor Check-ups!

They were postponed a bit.  But Jeremiah had his 5 year check-up and is 46 inches tall (91 percentile - 3 inches taller than last year) and 48 lbs. 3oz. (84th percentile 6 lbs. heavier than last year).  Nathanael was 52 3/4 inches tall (80th percentile - 3 inches taller than last year) and 61 lbs (63 percentile - 10 lbs. heavier than last year).

Nathanael is heavier by 1 lb. and taller by 3/4 of an inch from Adley when he was 8 (but Nathanael's measurements are 3 months late.)

Jeremiah is heavier than both the brothers at 5 years old by about 5 lbs, and is the same height as Adley was when he was 5, and 1 inch taller than Nathanael when he was 5.

Fun stats!

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