Sunday, July 17, 2016

Super Duper Camping Adventure!

What a BLAST. We went camping in North Adam's MA with our cousins.  It was so much fun.  We went Friday afternoon.

There was a pavilion with games behind our tent.  Which worked out great - there was quite a thunderstorm after supper.  After the storm was passed - we took a dip in the lake and watched the sunset.  Saturday morning we took a walk at the natural bridge state park.

 Back to the tent for lunch then a dip in the lake again.  Later in the afternoon us guys took a 10 mile bike ride - to a sweet ice cream spot we remembered from our last trip to the Berkshires.

Here's cool dude Nathanael at the Ice Cream Shop.
What fun.  Another delicious supper at the camp fire with s'mores.  The campground did $1 fried dough.  Oh so good!

Sunday we packed up - then took a walk on the Bridge of Flowers.  (We went there because mom and dad ate at a great sandwich shop when they were here last spring - however that business was now for sale.)  So we went out to lunch at the 99's restaurant.  And what do you know - the Red Sox won last night so 2 of us kids ate for free with mom and dad's paid lunch. :)
Oh So fun,

we are sleeping great tonight!
The campers

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Spinners Game Night!

It was a drizzly 63 degree evening for our first baseball game in JULY.  The spinners won 4 to 1.
The boys got to run the bases after the game!

Go Spinners!
The baseball guys!

Monday, July 4, 2016

4th of July weekend fun!

We had a blast at Aunt Christine's on the 3rd of July.  Yummy BBQ food, fireworks, and our cousins.
Today we went to the town parade.
Daddy ran the 2 mile race, and came in 201st.  (He has the flag shirt. Mom tried to take a closer picture but had issues.)
We watched the parade and got lots of candy!
We went to Aunt Wendy's for a party on the 4th.  
We love to party!
Happy Independence day!
The party goers. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

New BED!

Wow, things are super fun in our room.  The new bed has arrived, (we just need a box spring for Adley's bed - the mattress is a little low.)  We wanted to send a picture right away.  Adley is on the new bed with new Mario Kart 7 sheets, Nathanael is on the top bunk with Star Wars - The Force Awakens sheets, and Jeremiah is on the bottom bunk with Sonic the Hedgehog sheets.

We are SOOOOOOOO excited,

Time to take a nap, in our new beds and sheets.
Good night!

Doctor Check-ups!

They were postponed a bit.  But Jeremiah had his 5 year check-up and is 46 inches tall (91 percentile - 3 inches taller than last year) and 48 lbs. 3oz. (84th percentile 6 lbs. heavier than last year).  Nathanael was 52 3/4 inches tall (80th percentile - 3 inches taller than last year) and 61 lbs (63 percentile - 10 lbs. heavier than last year).

Nathanael is heavier by 1 lb. and taller by 3/4 of an inch from Adley when he was 8 (but Nathanael's measurements are 3 months late.)

Jeremiah is heavier than both the brothers at 5 years old by about 5 lbs, and is the same height as Adley was when he was 5, and 1 inch taller than Nathanael when he was 5.

Fun stats!