Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas I & II

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve.  It was a 68 degree day.  We enjoyed the company of our friends the Hornback's - now it's tradition - 2 years in a row.   Then off to church for the Christmas Eve service.  It was wonderful, we sung many carols, and heard the Bible read in many languages from the pastor & people in the congregation.  Then we went back home to enjoy some more Egg Nog and cookies, and our Advent story before bed.  Christmas morning Adley was up at 6:33 followed shortly by Dad, Nathanael was up about 6:45 followed shortly by mom, then Jeremiah in the next 5 minutes.
We opened our presents and enjoyed playing for the morning.  We drove to Grandma & Grandpa's.  The weather was still nice and spend much of the afternoon outside with our cousins the Parsons.  We got to see baby Corbin, who's only 2 months old.  We opened more presents that afternoon, and played all day with our cousins.  We had a one night sleep over and got to play even more.  Cousin Jayden and Owen came over for the second afternoon, it was wonderful to play with them.  We were in the car 7:30pm to head home.
What a wonderful Christmas!

The Christmas buddies

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