Sunday, January 11, 2015

Christmas 3 & 4!

Wow, this was a long time coming, but here are the photos of all Christmas things!

On New Year's eve we went to Memere & Papa Kings!  We got some sledding in before it got dark, they had snow, but it was the crisp icy kind.  Then dinnertime, presents and the Hot Tub!! So FUN, we love the hot tub.  Then off to bed after some cheese fondue.  The next day we played with all the new Christmas toys, and went sledding again.  We brought our Frozen movie, so Papa King could watch the hole thing.  Then we had pizza for diner and played some fun card games.  Then off to bed.  The next day we were off to Grampie & Nana's.  We had lunch, then did some sledding.  We played lots of games, mom found Stampin' - a game she and MaTaunte Andrea played a bit as kids.  Then we had pizza dinner and opened presents.  What a fun day.  The boys all slept in the spare room upstairs.  The next day was super chilly.  We took a walk in the woods, and came inside - a bit to chilly for sledding.  Then Great Grammie came over and we had yummy lunch.  That afternoon we head home for a relaxing Sunday before the busyness of everything set in.

What a super wonderful Christmas!!
Thanks everyone for all the new fun things we are playing with at home.

The 3 Christmas buddies!

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