Friday, September 5, 2014

First Day of Co-Op!

(This is how we get pictures with back-packs like everyone else. :) )

What a sweet first day of Co-Op.  Jeremiah had a great Pre-K day, with his class.  He has class in the morning, gym (today was play on the playground day), snack, then the final class.  Nathanael and Adley started their day with mom as 'one' of their teachers.  It's a 'read a story' then do activities based on the story.  Mom is the art teacher and the other teacher does the English/Geography activities  It went great.  Then the big guys go to 10 min snack.  Mom has to pack for a quick bite snack and a juice box.  Then off to gym class.  The final class Adley goes to Missions, and Nathanael joins mom in a Science class.  What a great first day!

The 3 students!

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