Saturday, September 27, 2014

Apple Pickin'!

Fun day at Parlee farm, picking apples, wagon hay ride, hay maze, feeding goats & bunnies, and scoping out all the pumpkins for sale. (We did not buy our pumpkins today, we just like the huge field of them. :)

The apple buddies!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

We're Building a Shed!

We're building a shed, and the boys love the idea of a triple bunk bed. (see the levels. :) )
And Jeremiah asked if we were moving into this shed.

The carpenter boys!

Friday, September 5, 2014

First Day of Co-Op!

(This is how we get pictures with back-packs like everyone else. :) )

What a sweet first day of Co-Op.  Jeremiah had a great Pre-K day, with his class.  He has class in the morning, gym (today was play on the playground day), snack, then the final class.  Nathanael and Adley started their day with mom as 'one' of their teachers.  It's a 'read a story' then do activities based on the story.  Mom is the art teacher and the other teacher does the English/Geography activities  It went great.  Then the big guys go to 10 min snack.  Mom has to pack for a quick bite snack and a juice box.  Then off to gym class.  The final class Adley goes to Missions, and Nathanael joins mom in a Science class.  What a great first day!

The 3 students!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

8 Year Check-up!

Today I had my 8 year check-up.  I am 52 inches tall (75th Percentile) and 60 lbs (In the 65th percentile).   I'm 6 lbs heavier & 2 1/2 inches taller than last year.  Everything went great.


Monday, September 1, 2014

Labor Day Camping Adventure!

What a blast our vacation was see our pictures.  We drove up to Aunti Bee & Uncle Ben's (4 hour drive) on Thursday.  First things first we climbed the sweet tree in their front yard.  We biked the neighborhood, had pizza for dinner - and played at their super fun playground - which now has a pirate ship to climb on.  ARRHHH!

Then, on Friday we went to the Great Escape.  Wow did we have a blast.  We rode so many rides.  Adley and Nathanael were able to ride a few 'big guy' rides too, while the little guys rode the Big Trucks.  Adley, Nathanael and Mom went on the watersides with tubes.  Nathanael was just barely 48 inches so we were able to go.  The boys didn't want to stop - it was so much fun, we we needed to catch up with the rest of the crew playing in the kids swim area.  Then we were off to the Carousal and the Log ride.  Fun was had by all.  We had some McDonalds drive though and went back to Aunti Bee's and Uncle Ben's to grab our camping gear - meet up with Grandma & Grandpa - and go Camping.  That night we had dinner at the campground.  We biked a ton around our site.  We biked to the playground in the campground to play after dinner.  Ethan and the Philips boys all slept in our tent after some S'mores....the s'mores before bed could be part of the reason the boys took a while to fall asleep.

Then Saturday morning - a delicious eggs and bacon breakfast.  Then we hiked Severance Mountain.  We've now hiked it 4 times...well Adley has been up 4 times, Nathanael has been up 3 times, and Jeremiah has now been up it 2 times.  500 feet climb - 1.2 miles each way.  The boys did great. (Jeremiah got a bit of a ride on Daddy.)  Then down the mountain and we packed up some lunch sandwiches to ride the pontoon boat around the Schroon Lake for lunch.  We stopped the boat in the middle of the lake and Adley, Nathanael, Grandma, Uncle Ben, Dad and Mom jumped off the boat to cool down. Then back to the campsite.  We biked to the campgroun pool.  Adley and Nathanael loved jumping off the diving board.  Uncle Ben had the biggest splash canon ball we've ever seen.  We had dinner then played by the pond.  Adley & Nathanael learned how to fish from Uncle Ben - he taught them some moves.  Then off to have some ice cream.  By now everyone is slowing down, so off to bed.

Sunday we got up and showered, then were off to Uncle Ben & Auntie Bee's to relax, and say clean - before church.  We liked to see their church, it was a great service.  The day turned rainy after that, so back to Auntie Bee's and Uncle Ben's for lunch.  Then we stayed there to play while the Dad's went back to the campsite to clean up.  When Dad was back we headed home about 3:45 - we were home for 8:00, to have a quick dinner and off to bed.

What a wonderful super fun camping adventure.  We did so many things!

The 3 campers!