Thursday, August 28, 2014

First Day to the Ocean Beach!

We went to Crane Beach Wednesday after lunch (and school).  Our first trip the ocean beach this summer.  This beach was at high tide when we showed up and the waves were pretty cool.  As the afternoon went on, tide pool's showed up, the beach really 'grew'.  We took a walk on the long beach and had a blast.  We left a 6:30pm, and had local ice cream for supper.  Super super fun day.
(Well we are hungry guys, we had actual supper at home at 8:30 :) )

Our friend took some pictures, so we'll post as we get them.

The beach boys

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Day of School for US!

First day of school went really well.  This will be a great year.
To celebrate our first day of school we went to the One Stop Fun pool with a friend.  We had a BLAST.  Mom wasn't really able to take photos.  There is a small slide in the shallow end, and Jeremiah got to the point where he could do it all by himself without his life jacket.  I think he's ready for Memere's pool next year.  The big guys (and mom once) went down the big slides in to the deep end.  What a super fun day.
The smart buddies!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Pool Day????

Umm, I think these boys forgot just one thing....where are their swim suits???  And they are too cool for the pool.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Big Ball Bowling!

Saturday Grandma & Grandpa came over.  Grandpa and Dad stayed home to work on the shed.  Grandma took the rest of us out big ball bowling.  We had a BLAST. And it was dark with fun lights and cool music.  We keep asking when we can go again.  We want to show Daddy how cool it is, and show him our GREAT bowling moves.  Check out our sweet action shots.

We had to take pictures with no flash, otherwise you miss the fun lights. :)
The bowling buddies

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pavers & Climbers!

So we got our driveway 'widened' and it was cool to watch the trucks at work.
And, Adley has wanted a tree to climb in our back yard for forever.  At his party his friend Mubashire showed him how to climb the 'trees' in the he is a champ.

Yah, he's the big man of the backyard now.

The guys

Walden Pond with friends

What a fun beach day to Walden pond to swim, and catch minnows and play in the sand.  After we went for ice cream. YUM!

We have many reasons to be Cheerful!!  And Ice Cream and friends are at the top of the list.

The beach boys

Weekend at Memere's and Papa Kings

Another super fun weekend.  We went up to Memere & Papa Kings Friday night.  The weather was a bit cooler than our first trip to Memere's, but we had fun playing outside after dinner.  And of course, a fun time in the hot tub.  We need a hot tub too. :) Then Saturday, we played outside, picked some veggies from the garden, brought in a couple loads of wood on the wagon.  We even hopped in the pool quick, even thought it was chilly!!  We even did a bike ride and played at the playground a bit.  We got some fireworks after our hot tub fun.  Then Sunday - yummy french toast. :)  We played outside a bit, and wondered if the day would be rainy all day.  But we went to Rood pond, and even took our boat out for a couple rides around the pond.  Back for lunch and our trip back home.
What a fun weekend!

The 3 buddies

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Weekend at Grampie's and Nanas!

WOW, what a super sweet weekend we had.  We went up on Saturday.  We trampolined, we rode bikes, we picked blueberries, we had a campfire, we tented in the backyard (Well Adley & Nathanael - Jeremiah thought he was up for it, but decided he'd like to sleep inside on his blue bed.).  Great Grammie came over too. Then on Sunday, we had blueberry pancakes with blueberry syrup and fresh blueberries YUM!  Then more trampolining.  We went to the Pion's new camp on Echo Lake.  What a blast, swimming and paddle boating and canoeing.  We'll have to remember to add our life jackets to our VT adventures from now on....we were a bit swimming in them this weekend. :)

Wow, we're home and resting from an awesome weekend adventure - the weather was perfect.

The adventure boys

Friday, August 8, 2014

Adley's Party

Happy Birthday to me!  What a fun Mario birthday I had today.  There were 9 boys over (including us), and boy did we have a blast.  With water guns, costumes, water balloons, a pinata.  Check out the rest of the photos.

The Birthday Boy

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Happy 8th Birthday Adley!!

So my birthday started on Tuesday when Memere sent me a sweet water gun, and one for each of my brothers.  We were going to ambush Dad when he got home, but we got the idea a bit too late, Dad drove in the driveway when only  1 boy was loaded.

Today on my birthday we went to the Library - where the Museum of Science Boston, had a fun thing for kids.  The experiments (science is magic) was cool.  Then off to swimming lessons, Thursday is candy day!!! SWEET.  Then home for lunch.  It got quite cloudy out so visiting our friends at a pool was out, so we waited until later in the afternoon to go to the Friendlies ice cream window.  YUM!  For Supper I got to pick what I wanted to have.  French toast, & breakfast sausages, and for desert - Boston Cream pie.

 Tomorrow is my birthday party.  It's fun to be 8!


Nathanael's Swimming Lessons

Today was my last swimming lesson for level 2.  My teacher says next year I'll be ready for level 3.  (Even though I only got 2 weeks of lessons, when 3 is the full set.)  Adley has one more week, so his video will follow.  (Mom was having a bit of trouble with the camera - so my actual dive is missing. :) )
the Nathanael Fish

Friday, August 1, 2014

Swimming Lessons

Wow, we're loving our week of swimming lessons.  Adley is diving into the pool on his knee off the diving board, and Nathanael is jumping off the diving board into the pool, and swimming face down in the water to the ladder.

The little fishes!

Thanks MaTaune Andrea

Bowling is FUN!!

We've come up with a few fun ideas for this bowling set....Mom didn't send them all.
We Love it!

(We've never played a proper game of bowling, just to let you know! :) )

The creative bowlers!