Friday, September 6, 2013

First Day of Co-Op

Today was our first day of Home school Co-Op.  Our bags are packed and we're ready for fun.  We  had a great day today.  Jeremiah didn't really want to go to his class, but he had a great time all morning.  Nathanael loved everything, he learned about his months - and underwater creatures.  Adley is excited about his 'Space' class - he came home with a binder he had to finish taping the items on, and he did it first thing.  His missions class was fun too, he got to drink a drink he liked from Columbia.  They all have a gym class too, and they see each other in the gym, but they have different groups.

(So we can look like normal kids with back packs one day a week. :) )

The 3 guys

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