Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wedding Weekend!

What a wonderful wedding weekend.  Uncle Daren and Aunt Halley got married.  We went down to New Haven CT Friday night.  We had the wedding rehearsal in the backyard of a house on the beach.  The lil' guys played with their TX and NY cousins.  The collected shells and played games.  There was a fun BBQ for dinner.  The next morning we had breakfast buffet at the hotel.  The guys enjoyed loading their plates up with delicious breakfast yums.  Then we went to the beach/park where the wedding was going to be held.  We played at the beach there.  Then back to the hotel for a chill afternoon so we could be ready for our 5:30pm wedding.  It was a beautiful spot.  The reception had a carousal that the boys spend most of the time in.  Our family made it until 10:30pm, boy do we have 3 troopers.  Sunday we checked out of the hotel and stopped at Grandma's and Grandpa's for lunch and playing before we headed home.  A fun weekend was had by all!!

The 3 guys

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Looks like a beautiful spot and a beautiful day for a wedding. Great picutre of everyone!