Wednesday, June 19, 2013

NH Cabin Camping Adventure!!

What a wonderful vacation we had!!  We went cabin camping in Ossippe NH.  It was a sweet spot.  We went up on Sunday after church.  On Monday we went to Lost River and toured the cool caves.  Adley loved the lemon squeezer cave - he did it 4 times, and Nathanael loved the bear crawl cave.  Jeremiah got a little scared of caves - so he played it cool on the walkway.  Then we took the tram up Cannon Mountain.  We too the ridge trail around and saw all the big mountains around.  We loved taking the tram, Adley was looking out the big front window up and down.  Then another fun night at the cabin.  On Tuesday we went to  StoryLand!!! Boy was that the best.  Jeremiah got to ride a lot of the big guy rides - he was 36 inches tall... and only 2.  His favorite ride might be the tractors you drive.  Aldey's favorite ride was the polar coaster, and Nathanaels was the Turtle tilt-a-whirl - boy did it whirl. :)  What a big fun day we had.  Then on Wednesday morning we packed up - and drove to the Cog railroad - and 'chugged' to the top of Mount Washington - wow what a view - and what a steep train ride.  On top of Mount Washington you can see so far.  It was great!  Then we stopped for a pic-nic lunch at a pic-nic area with a river.  All the boys ended up soaked in the river with their clothes on - but we had plenty of spare clothes in the car for the ride home!

What a fabulous adventure - time for a whoa day tomorrow!

The 3 guys

1 comment:

Andrea said...

What a busy trip. Sounds like a great time was had by all. Lots of good variety too.