Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dr. Visit

Nathanael & Jeremiah had joint Dr.'s appointments today, here's how they've grown!!

Nathanael was 43.8 lbs (79th Percentile), 45 inches (85th Percentile.) He grew 5 lbs this year and 3 inches.  Adley was 1 inch taller and 1 lb lighter (which really surprises mom - Nathanael was always taller and leaner than Adley...of course not by much - but it's interesting.)

Jeremiah was 32.6 lbs (90th Percentile), 37 inches (94th Percentile).  Jeremiah is 1 1/2 inches taller than Nathanael was and 1 inch taller than Adley was.  Jeremiah is 3 lbs. heavier than Nathanael was and 2 1/2 lbs heavier than Adley was.

The boys did great at their appointments.  Nathanael said he wasn't going to cry for his shots, and the super brave buddy got 2 shots and didn't cry.  He was so proud of himself. :)

Adley went to a buddies house so he missed the pediatrician fun!!

The 3 guys

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