Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

We had a wonderful Memorial Day!  We got to see the town parade, we BBQ'ed in the back yard, took a family bike ride.  The weather was great, and it was a sweet day - after that super cold rainy weekend we were having. :)  There are some new wrestling pics and the new hammock we got!!

Fun Fun!

The 3 guys

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Schools Out for Summer!!!

Enough said!!

The 3 guys

Monday, May 20, 2013

Even more Birthday fun!!

What a fabulous VT weekend.  We went to Grampies with some yummy Subway - to eat and stretch our legs before the wedding.  Claude's wedding was very nice - the reception was super fun!!  Then a sleep over at Memere's and Papa kings with Ma Taunte Andrea & Seth.  We had sweet time playing out side - taking a walk in the woods - Grillin' on the new porch & grill, and we even had more Birthday fun!

What a super time!!
Enjoy the pics!

The 3 guys

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Sweet Surprise!

Ma Taunte Andrea came today, with Dunkin Donuts and Birthday Fun!!   We now have fun water guns - and some sweet sand toys.  Check out the rest of the fun pics!

Thanks Ma Taunte!!!

We had a MEGA water gun fight this afternoon!  Adley was soaked....Nathanaels Gun really super soaks!!


The 3 guys!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dr. Visit

Nathanael & Jeremiah had joint Dr.'s appointments today, here's how they've grown!!

Nathanael was 43.8 lbs (79th Percentile), 45 inches (85th Percentile.) He grew 5 lbs this year and 3 inches.  Adley was 1 inch taller and 1 lb lighter (which really surprises mom - Nathanael was always taller and leaner than Adley...of course not by much - but it's interesting.)

Jeremiah was 32.6 lbs (90th Percentile), 37 inches (94th Percentile).  Jeremiah is 1 1/2 inches taller than Nathanael was and 1 inch taller than Adley was.  Jeremiah is 3 lbs. heavier than Nathanael was and 2 1/2 lbs heavier than Adley was.

The boys did great at their appointments.  Nathanael said he wasn't going to cry for his shots, and the super brave buddy got 2 shots and didn't cry.  He was so proud of himself. :)

Adley went to a buddies house so he missed the pediatrician fun!!

The 3 guys

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Gobble Gobble!

Look who we saw in our backyard this morning?  Three turkeys, they must have come down to say HI from Memeres! :)  Since we're on our way up there this weekend!!!

See you soon Memere & Papa King!

The 3 guys

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

1st Slip'n'Slide day of the summer season!!

Here comes Summer!!! Bring it ON!!  May 7th!

We put a few slip'n'slid pics on our site!!

Happy viewing!

The 3 guys

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Party to ME!!

Today was my 5th Birthday, and boy did we have a BLAST.  Here are a few more pics.

We had a friends Pizza back yard play time!!!
