Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Merry Christmas 3 & 4!!

What a fabulous VT trip.  We went up to Memere's and Papa Kings on Friday.  We got some sledding in.  Super Fun!  Then MaTaunte Andrea and Seth arrived, and we had a fun evening.  The next day we had a musical concert with a piano, guitar, trombone and alto sax.  Then we got more sledding in!!  And we got to help Papa King scoop snow with the tractor.  Then another sleep over at Memere's. Sunday morning we were off to Grampies, it was COLD and windy there.  We played inside, and opened presents and played games.  The next day we got to sled again.  Then home to celebrate Happy New Years Eve at home.

Happy New Year everyone!!

Enjoy the photo's!
The guys

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