Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Got Ice? We do!!

Our ice rink is open!!!  We're learning to skate with these sweet lawn chairs.  We're a work in progress.  Tonight we played some ice hockey just in our boots, it was fun.  Dad made a little goal box for us.  Adley beat mom 10 to 7. :)

We'll have to get some night's really fun!!

The 2 guys (Jeremiah has not been out on the ice yet, it's been to COLD for him... :)  He likes to look at the ice, and say 'ice'. )

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Game Day!

It's almost game time!! GO PATS!!

But before that we had a fabulous weekend at Memere's and Papa Kings!!  We started with a Friday night Pizza and then we got to watch Wipe Out, we LOVE that show, but can never find it on TV at our house.  On Saturday we had a fun sledding morning.  Jeremiah was going down the BIG hill by himself in a little round sled, he kept saying "again!!".  Then a chill afternoon of games while Jeremiah was sleeping, then we went back outside when he woke up.  We helped Papa King with the tractor and hauling some trees he cut. Then we had a nice night inside with more games.  Sunday we headed back home.

What a wonderful weekend!!
The guys

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Snow Day!

We got about 5 inches today, and it was beautiful wet snow, we made a HUGE snowman!!  Thanks for the snowman decorating kit Nana & Grampie!!

Then we were back out in the afternoon for fort making fun.  It was starting to rain a bit while we were out there...the snowman is starting to lean...enjoy the pics.

The 3 guys

Saturday, January 12, 2013


I had my first Basketball game today, (I'm number 11.)  We're the Pirates....ARRRGGG!
It was a fun time,

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!  We have SNOW, we went sledding in the woods near our house!!  We had a blast, here are a few more photo's of our sledding fun!!

Happy New Year!!

The guys

Merry Christmas 3 & 4!!

What a fabulous VT trip.  We went up to Memere's and Papa Kings on Friday.  We got some sledding in.  Super Fun!  Then MaTaunte Andrea and Seth arrived, and we had a fun evening.  The next day we had a musical concert with a piano, guitar, trombone and alto sax.  Then we got more sledding in!!  And we got to help Papa King scoop snow with the tractor.  Then another sleep over at Memere's. Sunday morning we were off to Grampies, it was COLD and windy there.  We played inside, and opened presents and played games.  The next day we got to sled again.  Then home to celebrate Happy New Years Eve at home.

Happy New Year everyone!!

Enjoy the photo's!
The guys