Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!

The Philips boys are wishing you a Happy New Year - Cape Verde Time!!
Here's a little 'ching - ching' of Egg Nog!!
We're off to bed.

The 3 guys

Happy New Year's Eve!

The rink is ready!!  We've had a fun morning on it.  I think we're about ready to go on it again this afternoon.  Ice is fun.
And our first hockey game of the season, the Penguins vs. the Arctic Turn.  The Penguins win 10 to 7.  

The 3 ice guys

A Very Merry Christmas!

Boy have we had a wonderful Christmas.  We went to Grandma and Granpa's on the 21st.  We had a wonderful day, and made a sweet Gingerbread house with our cousins. Then Christmas Eve we had our friends over for the afternoon, then all went to church that evening.  Christmas morning was wonderful -with lots of presents.  Then Grandma and Grandpa came over for lunch and some playing with our new things in the afternoon.  Then Friday the 27th we were off to Grampie's and Nana's.  It was snowing on the way up.  What a fun night.  Ma Taunte Andrea & Seth came up too.  The next morning was our first sledding of the season.  Later that day we were off to Memere's and Papa Kings.  We had a fun time with Jim and Abby.  We had a wonderful sleepover, then presents the next morning.  And more sledding.  We had a blast.  Photos to come soon.

The 3 guys

Friday, December 20, 2013

On the 20th Day of Christmas!

High Five to Christmas - 5 days left - we love 'high-five' to any holiday/birthday/fun.
On the 20th Day of Christmas - we had a fun McDonalds Play Place play date with our friends.
Tomorrow is our first Christmas at Grandma's house!  We get a Christmas week +++ for sure.

Merry Christmas!
The 3 guys

Sunday, December 15, 2013

On the 15th Day of Christmas

We got a HUGE snow storm - about 10 inches, nice and soft and fluffy.  We had a blast in it today.

Check out our creations....yum yum yum.  We had little red and green frosting, and lots of orange and white frosting....mom said it was OK. We wanted to show a little mess in the photo, because we made a lot of mess.  But it's yummy.
The 3 Christmas boys

Friday, December 13, 2013

On the 9th Day of Christmas!

We decorated our Christmas tree.  Yah, these days of Christmas are out of order - I don't know how to change that.
Merry Christmas!
The 3 guys

On the 13th Day of Christmas!

We made Gingerbread houses with our friends!
What a BLAST!! We're all sugared up now....Merry Christmas Everyone!



The 3 sweet boys

Monday, December 9, 2013

9th Day of Christmas

We got SNOW - and rain.  But we enjoyed every minute out there, while we got rained on.  We might get more snow tonight!  Here's hoping.

the 3 Eskimos

On the 7th & 8th Day of Christmas

Saturday we went to a Living Nativity.  It was great.  Everyone was all dressed up at the time of Jesus's birth.  We started in Joseph's shop - and had to travel to Bethlehem.  This was at night time and there were candles lining the whole way.  We saw Roman guards, and met lots of people on our travels - some Wise men carrying gifts, a map maker to show us the way, some shepherds and their flocks by night and angels and then we got to Bethlehem and there was no room at the inn, so we went to the Manger where the baby Jesus lay.  It was soooo well done.  http://www.faithevfree.org/nativity.html  We didn't take pictures, but if you want to see some Roman guards check it out.

Sunday we got our Christmas tree!  We'er SOOOOO excited to decorate it Monday night!  More pictures to follow.

And we might get 2 inches of snow tomorrow!!  We've only had dustings - and our dusting today will turn to a wintry mix very soon.

Merry Christmas,
The 3 guys

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

4th Day of Christmas

On the 4th Day of Christmas my sweet aunt made for me, a beautiful Christmas wreath. :)  And I let the photo be long, so you can see my boys LOVE to be barefoot all the time, I can't get them to wear their socks, too slippy, or any kind of slippers I've tried in the past.  Maybe I'd try a pair again that have some super grippers and are really comfortable...like being barefoot. 

We've been working on our lego ornaments - one a day.  We're on the 3rd
 one - we started the 4th on, but we've got to really look for the parts to this angel....thanks online homeschool lego club. 

We LOVE Christmas!
The 3 guys

Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a wonderful Thanksgiving at Grandma & Grampa's.  We played all day - had a super fun time with our cousins Ethan & Issac.  We ate a lot and played a lot.
What a fun day.
We had a nice relaxing rest of our vacation.

Now it's Christmas time.  We decorated the house on Sunday.  Even our sweet little tree.  Mom hasn't removed the ornaments and lights - ever.  So it was a nice rearrange - tossing of broken things just 'in the tree'.  And we made some pipe cleaner candy canes.
Mom even bought some solar lights for out front.
We're counting down to Christmas.
The 3 guys

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Heat Wave

It's snowing one day, and today it's 60 degrees out and pouring rain. We love a good heat wave. We've got a good 6 buckets under the eves.  Good Times.

Stay dry out there - we won't.
The 3 guys

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

First Snow

We LOVE first snow.  This is all we got, it was snowing when we went outside, and it had stopped about 15 minutes after.  We wanted this snow to stay for a while...but it will be raining tomorrow.

And Hot Cocoa at 9am is a GOOD day!

The cocoa boys

Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today we made Turkey cookies.  I don't know if you can really call them cookies because they are cookies and candies all held together with frosting.  YUM.  After our Turkey adventure we each made our own creation.  Adley helped Jeremiah make his, but he didn't want to wait to pose for a photo, so he ate his.  Adley and Nathanael were impressed how tall their towers were.

We're having a great Thanksgiving week, School is even Thanksgiving projects all week...stay tuned for more fun!

The 3 pilgrims

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Leaf Piles

Leaf piles, are not simply for jumping into, but for swinging HIGH and launching yourself into.
Daddy did a great job raking these leaves for us.

Adley & Nathanael

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

AWANA Grand Prix

A super fun racing night at the AWANA Grand Prix.  The boys raced their cars 5 times, the track held 4 cars at a time and there were many heats so all the kids could race (There were 60 registered racers...it was quite a night...there were 2 tracks one for the SPARKS - the younger kids group, and one for the 2 older kids groups.)  Nathanael was so excited for his first Grand Prix.  The boys finished 2nd and 3rd in their many races (which was so fun.)  Nathanel got 2nd place trophy for his design.  He's so excited, it's his first trophy.
The 2 speedsters

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Uno's at Uno's

What a fun Saturday night.  We meet Ma Taunte Andrea & Seth out do dinner at Uno's in Worcester, (sort of halfway.)  We had a fun night out in the big city.  Ma Taunte Andrea & Seth both looked awesome - very spiffy.  We LOVE that at Uno's when you order a drink, and drink it all, you get another one.  We're still talking about that one.  And we brought our Uno cards to play Uno's at Uno's.  That was the plan from the beginning.

Supper FUN!

Thanks for a great night!
The 3 guys

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Yankee Doodle went to town.  Check out our tri-corn hats we made today.

Nice boots Jeremiah!

 the 3 crazy crazy guys!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Just a regular day at the Philips household!

Halloween or not we're geared up about half the time.  And now that the days are shorter - we're out when the sun goes down.
Super Hero it up!!

The 3 heros (Adley is out here - just behind the tree)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick or Treat?

Trick or Treat!!! From Bobo Fett, Savage & Buzz Lightyear! (That's 2 Star Wars guys & a Toy Story Fella.)

We had a great time going around the neighborhood.  The weather warmed up to a humid 55, it was nice night for trick or treat.  (It was a cold 40 degrees at the park this morning, and pouring rain all afternoon.  We were happy it cleared up nicely.)

And double cool, Jeremiah didn't want to wear his Buzz helmet, so he wore a wolverine mask instead.  He is awesome!
The sugar boys!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Carvin' Pumpkins!

We carved our pumpkins today!  SOOO Fun.  Adley did a great job carving lots of his.  Adley is the batman symbol, Nathanael did Chewbacca (Daddy did a great job on that one.), Jeremiah LOVES the movies Cars - so he picked Lightning McQueen.
Happy Fall!
The 3 guys

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Playin' in the Leaves

We had a nice cool afternoon playing in the leaves!
Love the fall guys

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Time to Beard Up Boston!

Go Red Sox!! Time to Beard Up Boston, if you can't grow them, have your mom make you one.


these 3 Red Sox fans!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Memere & Papa Kings

What a fun weekend trip Oct 4th.  We went to Memere and Papa King's Friday night, so Mom & Dad could go out for their anniversary.  We had a blast with Memere and Papa King all Saturday - we cleaned up the garden, brought in some wood & went to a new playground. Boy did we have a BLAST.  Then Mom and Dad came back - and we spend another night, and had even more fun.

Check out the rest of our pics!

The 3 guys

Some Stuff

Yah, we're a bit behind. :)
 In school we were studying Native American's, so we made a 'short' wigwam.

We were studying Michelangelo - we're paining our own Sistene Chapel.

Having Fun!
The 3 students

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Apple Picking

Last Saturday we had a great day apple picking.  The whole family went, but the rest of the family photo's people were missing some of their face. :)
Lovin' eating our apples,
The 3 pickers