Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas FUN!

We are having a wonderful month of Christmas.  We set up our little tree in our room. Our stockings are up. Our wreath is up.  We've already been to 2 parties, (Mom has been forgetting the camera...I don't know why. :) )  Our AWANA groups made ornaments, and our Homeschool Co-Op party we had carols, and lunch and crafts and gym time.  It was a blast.  We LOVE to make cookies, which means eating lots of dough and licking all the spoons a lot of times.
We got our tree on Sunday and decorated it last night....photos to come.

Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!

The 3 guys

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Happy Holiday Season to you as well! I hope to do some baking next weekend. I still need to decide which cookies and/or desserts I want to make. I'm excited for our Vermont adventure.