Friday, June 29, 2012

Fabulous Trip to VT!!

What a super fun trip to Memere's and Papa Kings.  Check it out!!  We drove up Monday and arrived after dinner.  Our first day Tuesday was very cool and rainy.  So Memere and Papa King took us to the Montshire Science Museum.  We had a blast.  There was so many thing to explore inside, and there was a water area we enjoyed in the afternoon.  We didn't have a change of clothes so we went home in our underwear or diaper.  The rest of the day was rainy, so we chilled and watched a movie at Memere's.  On Wednesday, still cool and rainy, we went to Pepere Campbells for a fun visit.  We got to watch Wheel of Fortune with him, have lunch and play some cards.  We had fun.  Then to Grammie Lafonts to check out her new trailer, and to visit.  It was a fun/busy day for us.  Then back to Memere's, and the rain let up a bit to play some ball and ride bikes in the yard.  Thursday was going to be our pool day.  The pool was 68 degrees in the morning, and the sun could not burn off the clouds.  But we persisted in getting in the pool.  The afternoon was hot and sunny and we spent the whole time there.  Just warming up with a towel now and then.  The pool did climb to 70 degrees by the end of the afternoon.  Very Very fun.  Now were back home and enjoying the day together.
The 3 guys

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